Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Weather in the Maldives in August

Hi to all, if anyone out there has been to the Maldives in August, please would you let me know what the weather is like? I%26#39;m toying with the idea for my honeymoon, but I don%26#39;t want it ruined by constant tropical showers!!

Weather in the Maldives in August

Hiya, the climate of the Maldives is warm and knows two seasons. The southwest monsoon from May to October brings wind and rain. Dry season is from November to April and this is also the tourist season.

Virtually summer all year around, the Maldivian climate is the perfect place for sun lovers. The temperature varies little with an annual average daily maximum of 30.4 degrees Celsius and the minimum at 25.4 degrees Celsius. Have a great time (';,)

Weather in the Maldives in August

Hi there

I notice the discussion re weather in July/August and there seems to be a few queries about what to expect around that time. I am in the same boat, trying to organise our honeymoon next July, REALLY want to go the Maldives rather than Mauritius etc but I am worried that it will rain constantly during the days. Does anyone have any advice, ie. from guides, it seems that you should expect 8-10 inches at that time of year, is there any regularity to the rainfall - does it rain at night only?? does it rain constantly for days on end?? will you get an average of 5 hours of sunshine a day??

Maybe it is completely erratic and no one can tell but anyone with any experience/advice, your advice would be very helpful!!


Jazybean has given best info on the seasons, the only thing I would add that we have experienced is that they never get a ';constant'; monsoon type weather even in the wet months (I think they said they hadnt had more than 3 days of rain together at any one time) so prob find a day or 2 of rain then some dryer days and then rain again (rains on %26amp; off and you still get sunburnt so be carefull). You certainly shouldnt get a whole week of rain but will see some downpours over their worst months.

do not go to maldives in august,my beach house got blown away and i still havnt recoverd from injuries.STAY THE FK AWAY!!!


Dont belive that one with only 1 post,

as for Mauritus, the land of sugar cane and 1 grid locked city, thats about it.


Can rain on 1 island and not another even the one next door/ closest.

put weather in the box top left and see what comes back other than that ask the expert--Emu if he will speak to us lowley people who go AI, lol



Has anyone noticed that the original post was dated September 2004? Not a lot of point in replying now, methinks!

Well spoted OD,

Doh is me,

although in fairness i was replying to the Dip stick that said there house / hut blew away and not to go to the MDVs.



Not being biased, but why do people not find a decent travel agent (there are decent ones!) and pick up the phone and speak to an expert rather than conjecture and subjective opinions from people they don%26#39;t know - don%26#39;t get me wrong there are excellent opinions here but you have to sift through a lot of trot.

We do it for financial advice, insurance advice, legal advice etc so why not holidays? - holidays are a major thing in our lives and it is important to get them right.

Yes I am a travel agent but I am not soliciting or advertising our services just voicing my opinion.

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