Friday, April 13, 2012

Hand luggage, Reethi Beach - liquids?

Not wishing to rub it in - but only 36 hours to go here!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Just had a thought - following advice on here, thinking of taking bare basics in hand luggage for one overnight stay, just in case luggage is slightly delayed. But - regarding toiletries.. are we not limited in the hand luggage regarding liquids - dont want to get anything confiscated!

Cant begin to tell you how excited we are right now - think I am going to need sedation for one my final nights sleep (or maybe save it up so I can sleep on the plane!!)

Hand luggage, Reethi Beach - liquids?

The general rule is you can take liquids/pastes/gels and stuff like that as long as its only 100ml and then it needs to be put the bottles or tubes in a clear plastic bag. One plastic bag per person I believe.

Hand luggage, Reethi Beach - liquids?

The following is from the Gatwick security site but it%26#39;s the same at all UK airports.

Some liquids (e.g. gels, lotions, pastes, liquid cosmetics, foams and other liquid-based items) are now allowed through airport security check points. The following restrictions apply to the quantity of liquids:

* Liquids may only be carried in containers no greater than 100ml.

* These containers must be brought to the airport contained in a single, transparent, re-sealable plastic bag, which itself must not exceed 1 litre in capacity (approximately 20cm x 20cm). The contents of the plastic bag must fit comfortably and the bag must be sealed.

* Each passenger may carry only one such bag of liquids. The bag must be presented for examination.

Liquids that can not be placed inside the re-sealable bag must be packed into the hold luggage and checked in. Liquids of any amount can still be carried in luggage checked into the aircraft hold.

Please note %26#39;Liquids%26#39; include:

* All drinks, including water, soup, syrups

* Creams, lotions, oils, perfumes, lip gloss or lip balms, mascara etc.

* Sprays and pressurized containers including shaving foam and spray deodorants

* Pastes, including toothpastes

* Gels, including hair and shower gel

* Any other solutions and items of similar consistency

Hi Lynn

The emergency kit is for things to wear like swim wear and shorts etc the resorts all supply toiletries in your room so there%26#39;s no need to worry about them



thanks for the fab advice - followed to the letter! Managed to pick up a couple of purpose made resealable see through travel bags from boots - and can now leave the toiletries behind now I know they are in the villa.

I know for sure that thanks to all the help on here, I couldnt be more prepared for the most fab fab fab hols ever, off in the morning!!!

hope you have a nice flight i know you will have a great holiday

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