Friday, April 13, 2012

Reimanns P20

I remember folks on this forum saying how good this suncream is so when I go to the maldives in August I want to give it a go. I%26#39;m quite fair but tan eventually. Will I still be able to tan with this? Also, how many 200ml bottles will I need for 16 days?

Reimanns P20

Yes you will tan with it fine, it takes a few days to get going. I would say 2 bottles, this was what I took on my last trip and had a bit left after 14 days.

Just don%26#39;t use it on your face!!



Reimanns P20


why can%26#39;t you use it on your face???

regards susie

I%26#39;ve never heard of it, what makes it so good? Also is it SPF20, that sounds quite low for all day in tropical sun?

I%26#39;ve never heard of it, what makes it so good? Also is it SPF20, that sounds quite low for all day in tropical sun?

I tried it last year and hated it, it felt like I%26#39;d rubbed in a sticky gooey oil slick - to me it felt far worse than ordinary sun cream...

Having said that it seemed to work well, even after getting wet, but I only used it the once. Maybe I should have given it more of a chance, but couldn%26#39;t stand the feel of it.



It was the firsr time I used this last year in the red sea, It was great because you only needed to put it on once in the morning and it lasted all day( make sure you don%26#39;t miss any bits) I got a great tan in a week and I am quite fair. I dont know why the other post said not on the face, we used it on the face and were ok. Julie

The new formula states not to use on the face, I tried it on my face and it gave me a burning sensation, and did not feel strong enough. I always use P50 on my face,Head,ears and skin that is close to the bone (feet etc).

P20 Riemann has the equivalent power of Factor 50 normal cream.

I guess it comes down to skin types, so will not be right for everyone, unlike the last poster, I found that it rubbed into the skin within seconds and does not feel like you have any protection - yet I never burn when I use it, If I use other brands (like Piz Buin P20-30) I burn!!



Hi Emu

Not entirely clear why you think that SP20 gives equivalent protection of an SPF 50 product. If you look at the link you give, the copy clearly states it provides MEDIUM protection, equivalent to SPF20.

Have I missed something?


Hi OD,

I stand corrected, im not trying to imply or mislead that it does have the power of P50. (slap on the wrist for me!).

I personally think that it does, I have historically always burnt whilst in the Maldives regardless of making sure I use strong suncream, until last year when I started using RiemannP20 - I have been away 3 times since and not burnt at all, just from following the instructions correctly.



Hi Emu

Sorry if you thought I was accusing you of being misleading. I wasn%26#39;t - I too had heard that the P20 gave high protection against the sun and so was a bit surprised when I read the information in the link you provided.


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