Thursday, March 29, 2012

books to read

hi all, i tend to only really read when on holiday, so anyone got any good tips for a read, i like a bit of horror/ sci fi / or odd type of stuff, i am taking 2 books, the birthing house and the shack, so along those lines any recomendations, you will have to be quick iwe fly on sunday , YIPPEE, chris

books to read

Beach Babylon by Imogen Edwards-Jones would be an interesting book to read while you are on a Maldivian holiday.

books to read

Hi ideyboy!

Last year when I was at the maldives I read ';The Chemistry of Death'; by Simon Beckett. It%26#39;s about serial killers, forensic... - scary ;-)

I can also recommend his followers ';Written in bone'; and ';Whispers of the dead';. They are really page-turners!!

Have a great holiday!


Like you I only read when on holiday (apart from stuff to do with work). However I find that the Maldives is the only place I have ever been where I find it utterly impossible to get through a book. So I now only take magazines, especially ones with lots of lovely pictures like National Geographic, BBC wildlife mag, dog magazines and the like. They can be %26#39;drip read%26#39; more easily between bouts of snorkelling, eating, drinking at the beach bar and general drooling.

Funny that. Wonder if anyone else finds the same.


i am with you , Wid - i still take books but can%26#39;t concentrate on reading . too busy looking around. never get tired of watching fish among the coral under the villa .. sunshine reflecting on the water .. a boat passing by .. scanning the water for dolphin .. i just sit there and enjoy everything around me . that book will still be there when i get back :)

Gets dark early, so if not drinking or doing anything else, may want to read in evening. Harlen Coben writes good thrillers, that you cant put down - then wish you had, so that you still had it to read! Dont forget to leave your books in the library at reception once you have read them. Vilamendhoo had quite a good selection last year.



';If not drinking or doing anything else'; when it gets dark?!!!!!!! .... no, I won%26#39;t go on.....


lol .. well.. we don%26#39;t drink and there is light under the bungalow , so i can still watch the fish and the stars are amazing without the lightpollution we are used to. :)

If you like SF then The Snow by Adam Roberts could be an interesting contrast when in a hot location! I%26#39;m taking Greg Bear%26#39;s new novel City at the End of Time with me on holiday this year.

No water bungalows with lights under them in Vilamendhoo, so when it gets dark it really is dark, except along the jetty and some of the walkways - so you just MIGHT want to read at night!! :)


Hi ideyboy,had Richard Bransons autobiography `Loosing my virginity%26#39;,with me on last visit to the Maldives.Might inspire you to your own island...put me down as your first guest!

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