Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Scuba Diving cost

Does anyone know how much it costs to go scuba diving. Neither myself nor my husband have doen it before and I was wondering is there training provided and how long you have to train before you do it. Do the hotel provide the wet suits etc.

Scuba Diving cost

Which resort are you going to? they probably have a dive school which with a little time spent in google you can probably find and then get their price list.

I found the site below quite usefull

Scuba Diving cost

Hiya, thank you for your prompt reply. I am going to Vilu Reef resort. It does not really give any information on their website about it. x

Your choices are pretty simple. If you go there they have several courses (scuba diver and open water which can be completed in about three days). Dont see any price list for the resort. My guess would be about $400 for the open water course but I could be totally wrong since its been more than a few years since I took one. The Scuba Diver is a shorter course and would be a bit cheaper.

The other option would be for you to sign up for a discover scuba dive. Basically this gives you a very short instuction on basics of scuba and they then put scuba gear on you and drag you around for a short ';dive'; (usually out in the lagoon of the resort). This would give you some idea whether diving is really something that you want to do.

Usually if people already think they want to get certified I suggest that you do what is called a referal certification. With that you find a dive center in Ireland and sign up for a certification course. You take your classroom training plus some pool time in Ireland and then you ';transfer'; and do your actual certification dives in the Maldives. This way you can get certified without having to spend your vacation sitting in a classroom and studying books. You would need to check with the dive center at the resort and make sure they accept referal certs and make sure that a PADI Dive center in Ireland close to where you live will do referals.

Link to the folks who run the dive center at the villu Reef

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